Links have been removed
This page provided links to some of our favorite places on the Web. However, after more then a decade maintaining it,
we found two issues that took more of our time than we were willing to devote:
The Web is a fluid “place”. Sites come and go, pages disappear, Webmasters move things around on the sites they
run. Attempts to keep up, to keep our links page current and all links functional became impossible.
We received (and still do!) constant requests to add links to this page, those links often to sites and information without
the slightest relevance to what is about and for. We started with a mild plea, which became a flat-out
statement in bold face on this page that we would not add links, and that all such requests would be ignored. That had minimal
impact on the barage of requests.
This page is, therefore, DEAD. We will not reinstate it. We will not add link(s), and will continue
to ignore such requests.
As time permits we will be removing links within our site to this page.