Revision History 2025
This is the 2025 revision history of the Lumen Perfectus Web site. Probably not of general interest,
but it helps us keep track of the site's growth and maintenance.
We replace the "Photo of the Day" daily; we won't log those changes here.
Use the "newest photos" link in the table of contents at left to go directly to our
most recent additions.
08 February: We've added another picture of Flake Lake in the Absoroka-Beartooth Wilderness.
01 February: We continue our August, 2024 hike in the Absoroka-Beartooth Wilderness with
an afternoon photo made from our campsite at Flake Lake in Wyoming. We are on our way back
to the trailhead and will wrap this up after the posting of a few more pictures.
25 January: This week's posting is a photo of Golden Lake under approaching storm clouds,
in the Absoroka-Beartooth Wilderness in Montana. This required adding a third page to the
gallery documenting our August, 2024 hike into the area.
18 January: We've added yet another photo (the last of three) of an unnamed waterfall in
the Absoroka-Beartooth Wilderness. This was made after climbing higher and getting closer
to the waterfall.
11 January: Lovely winter alpenglow on the Mission Range is this week's new photo. It's
the first posting made with our Sony A7 CR camera and FE 20-70mm G lens.
04 January: The first new picture of 2025 is another of an unnamed waterfall draining a
snowfield into Jasper Lake in the Absoroka-Beartooth Wilderness in Montana.
01 January 2025: Updated the Revision History pages for the new year.