Birds (4)

The bird pictures on this page were made in several of northwest Montana's wildlife refuges and parks. We have many more photos of birds from these and other locations. You'll find links to those pages on our Galleries page.

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Yellow-headed blackbird, Montana, U.S.

A yellow-headed blackbird in Montana's Ninepipe National Wildlife Refuge shortly after sunrise.

Western grebe on Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park, Montana, U.S.

A western grebe in late evening light reflected in Glacier National Park's Lake McDonald.

Eastern kingbird

An eastern kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus, in a treetop in western Montana's Ninepipe NWR.

Least Flycatcher

A willow flycatcher, Empidonax traillii, in a treetop in western Montana's Ninepipe NWR.

A rough-legged hawk

A rough-legged hawk, Buteo lagopus, in a treetop near western Montana's Pablo Reservoir NWR.

A yellow-headed blackbird in the National Bison Range

A yellow-headed blackbird in a marsh in Montana's National Bison Range shortly after sunrise.

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