West-central Michigan

We periodically visit relatives in west-central Michigan. These trips have (so far) happened in October each year. They provide opportunities for several days of photography, often when autumn foliage color is at its peak.

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Sunrise lights the leaves of a large maple in autumn colors.

Sunrise lights the brilliant fall colors of a maple as a flight of geese passes in west-central Michigan.

Sunrise through the golden leaves of a large maple tree.

The rising sun shines through the autumn gold of a large maple tree, Mecosta County, Michigan.

Sunrise at Hillview Lake, Michigan, U.S.

Autumn sunrise over a misty Hillview Lake, Mecosta County, Michigan, U.S. This is a panorama combining six vertical frames.

Haymarsh Lake at sunrise, west-central Michigan, U.S.

Haymarsh Lake in west-central Michigan, minutes before sunrise on an October morning.

Haymarsh Lake at sunrise, west-central Michigan, U.S.

Haymarsh Lake in west-central Michigan, minutes before sunrise on an October morning.

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