"Backyard" Birds—Northwest Montana (2)

This Gallery has images of birds typically found near our home in northwest Montana. We have many more photos of birds from other locations. You'll find links to those pages on our Galleries page.

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Hairy woodpecker, N.W. Montana, U.S.

This female hairy woodpecker, Dryobates villosus, is finding insects in the deep crevasses of Ponderosa pine and other conifers.

Hairy woodpecker, N.W. Montana, U.S.

A female hairy woodpecker, Dryobates villosus, in warm morning light.

Female goldfinch on wolf moss, N.W. Montana, U.S.

Female goldfinch, Spinus tristis, on a Ponderosa branch in warm morning light.

Piliated woodpecker male, N.W. Montana, U.S.

A male pileated woodpecker, dryocopus pileatus, on a January afternoon.

Northern Bobwhite Female, N.W. Montana, U.S.

A female bobwhite, Colinus virginianus, in mid-summer.

Northern Bobwhite Female, N.W. Montana, U.S.

A female bobwhite, Colinus virginianus, scratches in gravel for seed or insects.

Red crossbill male, N.W. Montana, U.S.

The red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra, is a frequent visitor to our bird feeders.

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