"Backyard" Birds—Northwest Montana (3)

This Gallery has images of birds typically found near our home in northwest Montana. We have many more photos of birds from other locations. You'll find links to those pages on our Galleries page.

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Northern flicker, red-shafted, N.W. Montana, U.S.

A male northern flicker, colaptes auratus cafer, "red-shafted", attacking a Ponderosa pine near our home in NW Montana.

brown creeper (Certhia americana)

A brown creeper (Certhia americana) on a large Ponderosa pine on a January morning.

Spotted towhee camoflaged in a serviceberry bush, Montana, U.S.

A spotted towhee in the tangle of a serviceberry bush after a heavy, wet, spring snow.

Black-capped chickadee on a snowy day, Montana, U.S.

A black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) on a snowy day.

White-breasted nuthatch on a February day, Montana, U.S.

A white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) portrait.

Piliated woodpecker male, N.W. Montana, U.S.

A male pileated woodpecker, dryocopus pileatus, pulls beetle larve from a dying pine tree.

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