Series (5)

The pictures in this gallery are "series"—pairs of photos of the same subject, taken at different seasons or periods in the life cycle. However, this page is a bit different from others in this gallery. Here we have a sequence of images taken in several locations a few miles apart. All are 'abstract' pictures of the stone walls resulting from road cuts, areas blasted out of the rock to make way for roads, in this case Montana Route 200 near Perma. The pictures highlight the texture and color of the rock, and sometimes show interesting patterns.

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A shrub in fall color blends into the rock of a road cut near Perma, MT.

A shrub in fall color blends into the rock of a road cut near Perma, MT.

A small pine grows in the rock of a road cut near Perma, MT.

A small pine grows in the rock of a road cut near Perma, MT.

Warm morning light on the rock of a road cut near Perma, Montana.

Warm morning light on the rock of a road cut near Perma, MT.

V for Victory, in the rock of a road cut near Perma, MT

V for Victory, in the rock of a road cut near Perma, MT.

A 'polished' rock face in a road cut near Perma, MT

A 'polished' rock face in a road cut near Perma, MT.

Knob in the rock wall of a road cut near Perma, MT

A knob on the rock wall of a road cut near Perma, MT.

Hole in the rock wall of a road cut near Perma, MT

Hole in the rock wall of a road cut near Perma, MT.

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